About Me
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Stockton University, Galloway NJ
Personal Projects
Chess Web App github.com/bapacheco/Chess-React-Microservices-App
- Designed and implemented a full-stack chess application using React.js, Express.js, and Spring Boot, featuring a custom built chess engine for backend game processing
- Implemented login/register microservice using Express.js and MongoDB for user authentication, and utilized Spring Boot with MySQL to manage and validate chess games.
- Developed Restful APIs for user session management, chess game interactions, move validation, and game state updates
- Implemented custom react context providers like UserProvider and GameProvider to manage user authentication, game initialization, and state persistence across sessions
Basic Chess Engine github.com/bapacheco/Basic-Chess-Engine
- Developed a fully functional chess engine that implements standard chess rules and logic using Java and Object-Oriented Programming principles
- Utilized a listener pattern to update game state between the engine and the user interface, enabling smooth user experience and game interaction
- Ensured modularity and extensibility by designing separate classes for each piece type that override movement methods from a base Piece class
- Wrote unit tests to validate chess logic, including edge cases like illegal moves and endgame scenarios
Sudoku Solver github.com/bapacheco/SudokuSolver
- Developed a fully functional sudoku solver that implements constraint satisfaction techniques using C#
- Implemented AC-3, Forward Checking, and Constraint Propagation to reduce the solution space dynamically
- Integrated ordering heuristics such as Most Constrained Variable
- Implemented unit tests using NUnit to ensure the correctness of the Sudoku solving algorithm
Significant Coursework
Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Artifical Intelligence, Data Structures & Algorithms, Software Engineering, Data Mining
Technical Skills
- Languages: Java, C#, Python, SQL, HTML/CSS/Javascript
- Frameworks and Libraries: React.js, Express.js, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Flask
- Tools: Git, Docker, Bruno(API Client), Gradle, JUnit, NUnit, Mockito, IntelliJ IDEA, Visual Studio 2022, Visual Studio Code